Planting a Sustainable Future by PT MPI

26 September 2023

PT Millennium Pharmacon International (MPI), a subsidiary of Pharmaniaga in Indonesia proudly presents its Green Earth Initiative: Planting a Sustainable Future, by planting 1000 robust mangrove trees in Tambakrejo, Semarang, Central Java, recently. Both MPI’s President Director, Encik Ahmad Abu Bakar, and Director, Encik Mohamad Fazly Hassan enthusiastically joined hands alongside other employees in this noteworthy initiative. This effort signifies a crucial part of MPI’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), done in partnership with LindungiHutan and Kelompok CAMAR (Cinta Alam Mangrove Asri dan Rimbun). The goal is to revitalise the vital mangrove ecosystem, which plays a significant role in the environment. Through the Green Earth Initiative, PT MPI reaffirms its unwavering dedication and responsibility towards caring for and protecting the environment, while also contributing to its long-term well-being.